Writer in Training


Writer in Training

2017 in Review

It's the time of the year for the obligatory round-up post and I find myself staring at a blank screen and wondering where the time has gone. One the one hand, I feel like I haven't got much to show for this year but on the other hand, I've actually achieved quite a lot. 

In February, my debut novel, Ashael Rising was published. Sales are fairly slow but every single review I've had has been positive so readers seem to be enjoying it. Long may that continue! 

Between January and June, I came up with the concept for an anthology where all of the stories are set in a shared world, found writers to contribute, and put the book together. Titled Borrowed, the anthology features a small town library and it's staff and patrons. The stories range from comedy to horror and it's a really interesting collection. Watch out for m ore news on that soon. 

I have put together a collection of flash fiction which I intend to self-publish in the new year. Watch out for announcements and giveaways. 

As well as my first novel publication, I also had my first short story publication with The Day the Kyragua Came which appeared in BFS Horizons, Issue 5. 

Sadly, that is likely to be my only publication in BFS Horizons since, in November, I took over as co-editor of the publication, along with the wonderfully talented Tim Major. 

I attended my first Fantasycon, read from Ashael Rising, appeared on panels and generally had the time of my life. 

I had a book launch in Waterstones, Byres Road in Glasgow, had a stall at Loch Lomond's first Comic Con and appeared as a guest on two radio shows. 

I wrote a short story called A Suitable Offering which has been entered into a competition. I am currently working on another short story that I was invited to submit for an anthology. 

I completed a novella which is currently under submission and have another two in progress, with interest from two separate small presses. 

I 'met' a very talented fantasy artist, Joe Slucher, and have been working on a collaboration with him which we plan to launch early in 2018. 

Most importantly to the people who have read Ashael Rising, I have started work on the sequel and expect to have it with Unbound by February or March. 

So, from the outside, there's probably not a lot to see, but here in the background, I've been working my socks off. In non-writing related news, I learned how to drive, bought my first car, have managed to keep all of my children healthy and relatively happy and read some really good books. 

Over the next few weeks, I'll be putting together a post with my plans for 2018 but so far, it's looking to be even busier than this year. 

To everyone who has followed my adventures thus far, thank you. Thank you for your messages of support, for reading this blog and my book and for leaving reviews which is more helpful than you know. Thank you for walking with me. I hope you'll still be travelling with me in 2018 too.

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