Writer in Training


Writer in Training

Quick update and link

I'm about six hours into my Unbound campaign and I just reached my first £100 of pledges. I'll be honest, one of the pledges was me! One of my writing group wrote a blog post about my project: http://www.henrysullivan.com/2016/03/my-scribophile-friends-unbound-campaign.html

I'd love it if you checked out his post. Henry is a friend who is now reading the second draft of Ashael Rising so he has inside knowledge. While you're there, you should take a peek at his work. Near-future science fiction, it's fantastic. Working with Henry and our group has made me a better writer.

In between obsessively checking my project page, I submitted a flash piece to Fantasy and Science Fiction magazine. I figured that while dreams were coming true, I might as well try!